REVIEW: The Nose Dive Assembly, The Revel Puck Circus (Beckenham)

The Revel Puck Circus is on a mission to redefine the art form, creating exciting new circus shows for a modern audience. The Nose Dive Assembly is the final installment in their “Risk Trilogy”, which aims to shine a light on what ordinary circus tries to hide. Having loved The Wing Scuffle Spectacular back in 2021, we were excited to see what The Revel Pucks have come up with this time. And they didn’t disappoint.

While The Wing Scuffle Spectacular focused on fear, the one word that probably best sums up The Nose Dive Assembly is “trust”. Even before the show begins, youngsters from the audience are invited into the ring to perform trust falls. And this theme is the thread that ties together the entire show.

Too often, circus feels like a series of independent acts, linked by little more than proximity and perhaps some matching costumes. In contrast, The Revel Pucks are a true company, who are constantly working in harmony. The Nose Dive Assembly has collaboration at its core, and even solo performers are never truly alone on stage. Everyone else is always there to support them, whether that’s cheering them on from the sidelines or using human bodies as counterweights for aerial work.

Just as in The Wing Scuffle Spectacular, the audience is treated to some rarely seen circus acts including teeterboard, cloud swing and an incredible cyr wheel duet. The show also boasts the UK’s only all-female Wheel of Death, which absolutely embodies the themes of the show. It’s not showy or terrifying, like so many other versions of this act. There are no skipping ropes or blindfolds here – consequently, this is the only time we’ve ever been able to watch the Wheel of Death without covering our own eyes for fear of witnessing someone plummeting to their death. But it’s by no means inferior. Instead, it’s an artistic masterclass in control, balance and teamwork. The same is true of the impressive high wire routine that closes Act 1 – of all the performances in the show, you might think that this was the one that could be done entirely alone, yet somehow everyone (even the audience) becomes a part of the magic.

And this is what’s truly special about The Revel Pucks. This is a circus where everyone is welcome and everyone is celebrated. With the entire cast dressed in their signature boiler suits, there is no spandex in sight, and there are no traditional gender roles here either. Everyone has their strengths and everyone deserves their chance to fly – Even if you’re a ringmaster with lofty ambitions but a distinct lack of wings. (The clowning here is a real highlight, particularly a deceptively difficult treadmill act!)

The Nosedive Assembly brings the Revel Pucks’ risk trilogy to a triumphant close. This is a contemporary circus company with a remarkable vision, and we can’t wait to see what risks they take next.

The Nose Dive Assembly plays in Beckenham Place Park from 17 October to 3 November 2024. We received a complimentary family ticket to the matinee on 19 October.

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